Section: Software


Participants : Guillaume Huard [correspondant] , Swann Perarnau.

  • Characterization of Software : A-2 / SO-4 / SM-4 / EM-2 / SDL-3

  • Own Contribution: DA-4 / CD-4 / MS-4 / TPM-4

  • Additional information:

    • web site: http://ggen.ligforge.imag.fr/ , Coordinator Swann Perarnau

    • Objective of the software: GGen is a free (GPL-compatible) command line application and library for generating and analyzing directed acyclic graphs. Designed primarily to be used in simulations of scheduling algorithms, it helps researchers understand fully the nature of the graphs generated. It implements the most known graph generation algorithms enabling comparisons betweens them.

    • Users community: Research open source project, task scheduling community: ggen provides a meaningful way to generate test cases.

    • Positioning: To our knowledge, there's no competing tool, more details in : Daniel Cordeiro, Grégory Mounié, Swann Perarnau, Denis Trystram, Jean-Marc Vincent, and Frédéric Wagner. Random graph generation for scheduling simulations. In International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools), 2010.